The benefit is that applications created this way can often speed up repetitive tasks, and capture important design process knowledge.
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9 Example 5: WinForms (The Hard Way) What Next? Chapter 3: Using Visual Studio Community Installing Visual Studio Installing NX Open Templates Licensing Issues Again Example 1: Hello World Again Example 2: Declaring Variables Example 3: WinForms Again Example 4: Hello World Yet Again (the Hard Way) Example 5: Editing a Recorded Journal Debugging in Visual Studio Chapter 4: The Visual Basic Language The Development Process Structure of a Visual Basic Program An Example Program Lines of Code Built-In Data Types Declaring and Initializing Variables Omitting Variable Declarations Data Type Conversions Arithmetic and Math Logical Values & Operators Arrays Other Types of Collections Strings Enumerations Nothing Decision Statements Looping Functions and Subroutines Classes Shared Functions Object Properties Hierarchy & Inheritance Chapter 5: Concepts & Architecture The Levels of NX Open More About NXOpen.UF The NX Open Inheritance Hierarchy Sessions and Parts Objects and Tags Factory Objects Object Collections The Builder Pattern Exploring NX Open By Journaling The FindObject Problem Mixing SNAP and NX Open Chapter 6: Positions, Vectors, and Points Point3d Objects Vector3d Objects Points Chapter 7: Curves Lines Associative Line Features Arcs and Circles Associative Arc Features Conic Section Curves Splines Studio Splines Sketches Chapter 8: Simple Solids and Sheets Creating Primitive Solids Sections Extruded Bodies Revolved Bodies Chapter 9: Object Properties & Methods NXObject Properties Curve and Edge Properties Face Properties Chapter 10: Feature Concepts What is a Feature? Types of Features Feature Display Properties Using Features and Bodies Units Expressions Creating Expressions Using Expressions to Define Features Chapter 11: Assemblies Introduction The Obligatory Car Example Trees, Roots, and Leaves Components and Prototypes Cycling Through An Assembly Indented Listings Component Positions & Orientations Object Occurrences Creating an Assembly More Advanced Positioning Changing Reference Sets Other Topics Chapter 12: Drawings & Annotations Drawings Dimensions Notes Chapter 13: CAM Cycling Through CAM Objects Editing CAM Objects CAM Views Creating a Tool Chapter 14: Block-Based Dialogs When to Use Block-Based Dialogs How Block-Based Dialogs Work The Overall Process Using Block UI Styler Template Code The initialize_cb and dialogshown_cb Event Handlers The apply_cb Event Handler The update_cb Event Handler Callback Details Precedence of Values Getting More Information Chapter 15: Selecting NX Objects Selection Dialogs SelectObject Blocks Selecting Faces, Curves and Edges using Collectors Selection by Database Cycling Chapter 16: Exceptions Exceptions Example: Unhandled Exceptions Handling an Exception Exception Properties NX Exceptions Using Undo for Error Recovery Avoiding Exceptions The Finally Block Chapter 17: Troubleshooting Using the NX Log File Invalid Attempt to Load Library XXX is not a member of NXOpen Unable to Load Referenced Library Visual Studio Templates Missing Failed to Load Image Unrestrictedģ Chapter 1: Introduction What Is NX Open NX Open is an Application Programming Interface (API) that lets you write programs to customize or extend NX. 3 Chapter 2: Using the NX Journal Editor. UnrestrictedĢ Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction.

Visual studio for mac plugin update#
1 Getting Started with NX Open Update March Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.